Mushroom Stone

Mushroom stone, stone as its name, about ten meters high, big on the bottom small, like mushrooms. The true meaning of the Buddha's "normal mind" has stood firm for a billion years.

Huguosi Mountain

Huguo Zen Temple is backed by Mianxuling, facing xiaojia River, with large and small lion rock arches on both sides. It is located at the key point of Fanjing Mountain in the west, and is one of the great emperor's nunns in the west of Fanjing Mountain.

Ten Thousand Meters Sleeping Buddha

Looking ahead is a natural Buddha statue composed of Hongyun Golden Peak and phoenix Mountain - ten thousand meters sleeping Buddha. It lies on its back on the top of fanjing Mountain, stretching more than ten thousand meters long, the world's largest.

Black Alley

Here is an evergreen, deciduous, broad-leaved mixed forest belt, the special geographical and geological environment makes the forest here dense growth, evergreen all the year round, shadow cover the sun, hence the name: black alley.

Ten Months Pregnant Tree

The tree has a mother and nine children and is over 1,000 years old. The mother tree is cherry, and the trunk of the tree includes rhododendron, Catalpa, Campanula, Acer chinensis, hydrangea and other trees. The roots of the sub-trees are rooted in the mother tree. Nearby people to pray for children and grandchildren full house, have worshiped under the tree, in order to do so.

Hongyun Golden Peak

The New Jinding is 2,336 meters above sea level, with a vertical height difference of 100 meters, the most dangerous of the three jinding. Morning is often surrounded by red cloud auspicious gas, so it is also known as Hongyun Golden Peak, homonym "jinding", there is the implication of good luck.

Guanpu Pavilion

Look at this waterfall from top to bottom, is it like the profile of Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, the top is the head of avalokitesvara, the bottom is the shoulder of avalokitesvara, the bottom right corner is covered with moss in the shape of a bottle, exposed is the holy water bottle of Avalokitesvara, it is said that this is the incarnation of white dragon horse. Later, it became a scenery of Fanjing Mountain, and worshippers built a pavilion here, named Guanpu Pavilion.

Cheng'en Temple

Chengen Temple is located between the new and old jindings, is the main building of fanjing Mountain temple group, fanjing Mountain is one of the four emperor nunnery.

Moon Mirror Mountain

At 2,493 meters above sea level, Old Jinding is the second highest peak on Fanjing Mountain. The stone wall is also known as "Moon Mirror Mountain" because of the image of Maitreya Buddha speaking for all living beings.


"Fanjing Mountain Forest of Steles" was inscribed by Shen Peng, acting chairman of the National Calligraphy Association, Qi Gong, honorary chairman of the National Calligraphy Association, Li Peiyao, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Zhao Puchu, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Buddhist Association of China.

Fanjingshan ropeway

The total length of the ropeway is 3411.32 meters, with an elevation drop of 1193 meters and a maximum distance of 178.78 meters from the ground.